Crash : Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

Again A Flight Of Malaysian Fight Went Down.

It was a Scheduled international passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kurala Lampur.
Which Was Similar Flight As Of Flight 370 .
It Crashed 40 km from the border of Russia Today,
Sadly It Was Carrying 280 Passengers and 15 Crew Members.


A Ukrainian government official initially suggested that the aircraft was shot down by a Buk Anti-Aircraft System.

International Reactions.

1.The Government of Russia States that Russian    Government is not Involved In This Crash.
2.Ukraine Prime Minister Has Ordered an Investigation Into  the Crash .
3.U.S Will Use Satellite Images To establish whether  the Missile was the Cause Or Not . 
4.Malaysia Ministers are in Shock. e.t.c.


Government While Fighting With Each Other Always Forget About the Loss of the People.

May Soles Of People Rest In Peace.

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