Nelson Mandela.

Great Man Are Not Born Or Created;
They Become Great By Their Thinking.

Nelson Mandela Was One of The Great Man Ever.

He Was The President Of South Africa from 1994-1999,
He Received 250 Awards Including The " Noble Peace Prize ".  

He Got His Name from His English teacher, as it was the Custom among Africans in those Days.
Mandela Was Born in Royal Family of Thembu , so was Educated In Fort Hare University & University of Witwatersrand where He Studied Law.

As He Was Living in Johannesburg so Involved in Anti-Colonial Politics , Joined ANC & Become Founder Member of Youth League.

Spark In Nelson Life.

His Father Death was a very Impact-full Incident In His Life,Feeling Cut Adrift he later said that He Inherited his Father's "Proud Rebelliousness".

Nelson Mandela Prison Life.

He Was Imprisoned For 27 Years by the South African Apartheid Government , His Crime Was Committing Egregious Human Right Abuses against Black South Africans.

His Crime was Asking For Equality of Black & White.
He Left This World on Dec. 5, 2013.

Great People Goes Away ; Leaving Their Thinking Within Us.

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